tisdag 4 mars 2008

Christian versus Islamic consveratism

I was just reading Madeleine Albrights memoirs when I got to a part were she talks about the rule of the Taliban and the development of Afghanistan after the end of the Soviet occupation. She describes in one strip the Taliban like this:

"They were cultural imperialists, determined to impose their primitive percepts upon their countrymen -and women. They deprived their citizens of basic freedoms, prevented a generation of afghan girls from attending school, and drove a significant fraction of Afghan women into clinical depression, physical breakdown, even suicide."

All, in my view, horribly true and a problem on all our consciences as long as we do not do enough to liberate all humans.

Though, this argument was later taken over by George W. Bush in 2001 after the september 11 attacks, and was used as a later reason of attack/occupation on Afghanistan. The problem comes for me when I view George W. Bush himself; a leader of the extreme American Christian conservatives. Some of their views is that homosexuals should not be allowed to marry (some even think they need therapy or to be indoctrinated in the Christian fate). Now, this is views that on a large scale retracts the rights of homosexuals and that drives them into dispare and depression.

My only point here is that if you draw the similarity's to the end; is this then not the same? Does not the conservatives criticizes their own actions?

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